20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

If you’re a woman with depression, self-care is essential. It can be tough to find the energy to take care of yourself, but it’s worth it. Here are 20 self-care ideas for ways to practice self-care.

Pick a few that work for you and make them a regular part of your routine. You’ll feel better in no time!

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

The prevalence of depression among women is higher than in men.

Although the cause is unclear, theories point to innate sensitivity to interpersonal relationships, physiological phenomena of premenstrual dysphoric disorder, postpartum depression, and postmenopausal depression and anxiety.

These are usually influenced by hormones in the ovaries, hence the increased prevalence in women.

There is an implication that female hormones play a role in the occurrence of depression in women.

Hence, women should set a self-care routine to lessen symptoms of depression.

Here are 20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression. 

Sad girl sits in a labyrinth with red walls

What is Depression?

Depression is a serious mental disorder that affects the way you think, feel, and behave.

It causes feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, deep sadness, and loss of interest in all activities that used to bring joy to you. 

This mental disorder is different from grief experienced when there is the loss of a loved one.

While in grief there is a brief period wherein a person is sad, but still cherishes the good memories with the loved ones.

In depression, the mood and loss of interest extend for weeks to months. There is a complete loss of interest in pleasurable activities as enjoyed before.

In grief, the self-esteem of the person is intact, while in this mental illness, there are feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing.

These feelings of worthlessness often lead to suicidal ideation.

Contrary to grief, wherein a person just fantasizes about seeing or “joining” their lost loved one. 

Depression commonly occurs at the age of late teens to mid-20s. 

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

Symptoms of Depression 

Depression symptoms are often long-term.

Its symptoms include:

  • Feeling sad; depressed mood
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
  • Changes in appetite — weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Loss of energy or increased fatigue
  • Inability to sit still, pacing, handwringing, or slowed movements or speech 
  • Feeling worthless 
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

Risk Factors

Family members of patients with depression are at higher risk of developing depression.

People with low self-esteem, abnormalities in the brain which affect the production of hormones, and prolonged exposure to abuse, neglect, and trauma are also at higher risk of developing this psychological disorder. 

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression


The good news about depression is that it is treatable. With proper medications and psychotherapy, depressive symptoms can be managed and controlled.

A person with depression can lead a normal life when compliant with medications. 

Medications include antidepressants and psychotropics. Sleeping pills are also prescribed as needed.

Moreover, psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are used for mild to severe cases.

These treatment results do not usually appear within a week or two.

These are long-term treatment options that must be complied with meticulously.

A treatment plan must also be supported by the people surrounding the patient, for, without emotional and social support from family and friends, this will fail. 

Lastly, self-care, stress management, and coping skills are integral in managing depression.

A person with this mental disorder should have this embedded in his life as these factors will significantly reduce symptoms of depression. 

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

20 Best Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

Self-care is essential in the prognosis and effectiveness of the treatment plan for any mental disorder. This is a process of recovery per se, for the person’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines self-care as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.”

This is a necessary strategy to cope with all the stress a person is under.

As this concept becomes mainstream, Marni Amsellem, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist based in Trumbull, Connecticut, defines self-care as “anything that you do for yourself that feels nourishing”

Since depression is prevalent in women, here is a list of self care ideas for women with depression:

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

Take a day off work

Most women have a full day at work, and for working moms, the work does not truly end when she comes home.

There is still dinner to make, kids to attend to, cleaning up all the mess after a whole day of playtime and whatnot.

And all of these are stressors that can trigger a depressive mood.

Taking time off work can help a woman focus on herself. When a person is well-rested, the mind clears up and the mood improves. 

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

Have a quality sleep

Sleeping resets your body and mind, and you wake up refreshed and rested the following day. 

Light a candle

There is something relaxing about lighted candles. It sets the mood and makes you feel relaxed. 

Have a cup of herbal tea

Take a break from coffee, soda, or liquor. Take something healthy and soothing like herbal tea.

This can make you feel nourished and comfortable.

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

Diffuse essential oils

Essential oils are said to make you feel calm and can help with sleep, mood, and a lot more. 

Start a journal

There are plenty of benefits that you can get through journaling.

It gives you clarity and helps you organize your thoughts and emotions, as well as helps you in decision-making and planning.

This is an excellent writing therapy, proven to be effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. 

Digital detox

Social media can trigger unwanted thoughts and feelings especially when we are feeling vulnerable.

This self-care tip can help you find peace and calmness as your mind releases all the toxicity social media brings. 

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

Get a pet

Having a pet is like having a friend. They make good companions at home.

Therapy pets like dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and guinea pigs have been used for mental health problems. 

Positive affirmations

Challenge your negative thoughts and change them into positive ones.

These positive affirmations are meant to make you feel good about yourself. 

Make a gratitude list

You can do this in your journal. By making a gratitude list, you can see the positive side of having people who care about you. 

Take an Epsom salt bath

Lie down in your tub and relax. Take your time to let your body feel comfortable in the water.

Clear your mind as you relax in your bathtub and enjoy your time alone. 

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

Watch a film

This is nourishing your soul. Watch a feel-good movie.

Allow yourself to enjoy, laugh, cry, and feel different emotions as you watch a film. 

Listen to music

Put on some relaxing music. Dance and sing if you feel like it. 

Eat fruit and vegetables

This is another vital self-care tip.

Eating right will not only keep you fit and healthy but can also make you feel good about yourself. 

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

Hug someone

We all need to give love and feel loved. Hugs are a great expression of love. Hug someone.

It will make you feel good. 

Talk to someone

Talk to someone about your thoughts, feelings, worries, fears, and concerns.

This will make you feel light as you unburden your mind. 


Set a time to meditate. Meditation clears your mind.

It can also bring about self-awareness, which is also an excellent practice in reducing anxiety and depression. 


Reading fills up your time and transports you into another world.

It relaxes your mind and body as you go through the story in your book. 

Bake something tasty

The kitchen is a woman’s lair. Baking and cooking can help you relax and take your mind off things that stress you out. 

20 Self-Care Ideas for Women with Depression

Declutter your clothes and belongings

As much as we love shopping, decluttering is also a fun activity for us. This is a form of self-discovery as we go through our old clothes.

Depressed women often neglect themselves and put their needs last. This is a mistake because taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do to improve your mood.

The self-care ideas we’ve shared should help get you started on the road to better mental health.

If you find that some of these suggestions don’t work for you, keep looking until you find something that does.

Remember, there is no “right” way to practice self-care it’s about finding what works for you and doing it regularly.

What are some other self-care activities that have worked well for you?

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